Careers Education and Guidance

Careers Education and Guidance

School policy states that all students are entitled to expect a well-planned programme of careers education and guidance. The information they receive about career opportunities, education and training should be up-to-dateaccurate and comprehensive.

The school works closely with businesses and other organisations to offer a range of employment-related activities such as simulations, work shadowing, industrial projects and shadowing. TBGS will assist students in Year 11 and beyond who wish to take part in work experience.

Most importantly, students will be offered individual guidance from a variety of sources including an Independent Careers Adviser who has appropriate and up-to-date training and expertise. School careers staff and advisers from Careers South West will also contribute. Individual guidance is:

  • Independent
  • Based on the needs of the individual
  • Confidential
  • Free from bias
  • Regularly reviewed

Careers guidance is a vital part of the school’s approach to pastoral care and PSHE provision.